
Dirty Mattress in the Basement

Remember that game
we used to play?

Neck belt floor chain frolicking

into albino blindness baby
food spoon feeding baby
bird receiving trust blackmail
fake father figure forcing

my muscles atrophied
shivering trembling skeletal with

sores weeping

You'd say, "So cute!"
and call me
Your Pet while

ignoring every whimpered plea
over old VCR loop newscasts
my old face

to myself
long forgotten

You always won.


~otto~ said...


Ani Smith said...

Stop making me love you. Seriously.

THOM YOUNG said...

so good

Anonymous said...

'Remember that game
we used to play?

Neck belt floor chain frolicking
into albino blindness'

i found this sweet and touching.

ty bluesmith said...

sweet and touch me