
the process of haiku

i am the party

is five syllables but then

someone will hate right?


Monkeypotpie said...

Always a hater.

How I hate Ohio State.

Shot across the bow.

ty bluesmith said...

muck fichigan.

Monkeypotpie said...

That would make a classy tee-shirt.

ty bluesmith said...

i think it's been done:)

Monkeypotpie said...

No cafe-press cash for you.

Cest la vie.

ty bluesmith said...

i have other irons in the fire. for example: tours of the stars' homes.

Monkeypotpie said...

Do you have maps? Or a bus?

Wait... I'm thinking "after hours" tours.

Shhh! Quiet! Don't wake Keanu!