

What if a monster isn't really a monster
and a muse isn't really a muse
and an alien isn't really an alien
and a cat isn't really a cat
what if
I turn to dust
when you
turn away
not cheek to cheek at night
but away forever
what if
I am
what they think
I am
and you
are all characters
in a magical realism novel
albeit a really good one


Anonymous said...

"what if i turn to dust when you turn away" -- like that line. all the questions in this have made me go off into a series of thoughts surrounding what it would be like to be a character in a magical realism novel. would it end up the same as being a character in real life?

Cheerful One said...

I have always rather liked Magic Realism.

jem said...

That last bit really scared me. Its too true to be comfortable reading.