
My Facebook status says: “I just updated my Facebook status”

I am the spunk the babysitter caught with her cunt instead of her mouth
(Or her eye)
When the baby’s daddy came home alone

I am the sperm that won the race
The only thing I ever won

I am the boy who was born of man who was always a boy
I am the boy of a woman who was always right and never did anything wrong her entire life
Except have me
Just ask her

Here’s the choice I made:
No, I can’t tell you

All these choices create all this drama
No drama
Just words
These words

Update your Facebook status: “I just had an abortion :-)”
Post the responses on PIFFLE.
You will be a legend



ty bluesmith said...


Mariana Soffer said...

I feel like an ashole, each time I want to write something to a friends wall I end up writting it to my own status, So mI might end up being saying hello so myself