
I want to scare you shitless

When you clasp your hands
Over your mouth, and hold
Your eyes raped open
Roped, ripped, rapt
Whichever, be sure to

Distort your mouth in fear
For me, sweetheart
Screw up your guts in knots
For me, lover
Twist your knife in tissue
For me, sourmouth
Hammer your nails in bone
For me, loather

Fingers formed, grip tighter
Don't let light cross your face
No betrayal in your gaze
Not a smile of recognition
Just delicate vomit
Into your skinny
Cupped flesh
Sliding down
Your neck

Your stomach acid
Smothers this moment
On your knees, you
Cry for black water
My hands pull your hair
Into my fist as you pray
And I pray and you pray
And I hold and you erupt

Come morning
Your eyes
Compete with
Your skin
For failure


xTx said...

love it

Ani Smith said...

I am praying. I am under the bed and I am praying you don't find me down here.

Mariana Soffer said...

Great poem, it freaked me out.

~otto~ said...

Dayum! That was hot! I loved these especially:

Your eyes raped open

On your knees, you
Cry for black water

Your eyes
Compete with
Your skin
For failure

ty bluesmith said...

hi that was very nice you are often on fire